the Intestinal Apocalypse Monthly Apparel Bazaar

Press / In the News

Since springing to life on June 24, 2005, has regularly been a media darling -- whether locally, nationally, in the newspaper, or on the Web, we're always on someone's influential mind.

Eater, Charles Hodgkins Talks the End of Burritoeater, by Rose Garrett; November 6, 2013.
Well into our Autumn 2013 Farewell Tour of San Francisco slabberies, unrelated-but-similarly-named site Eater sits down with Our Honcho for a lengthy exclusive interview, during which we are labeled "inspiring" as we bear down on such flashpoint topics as the salad days of Burritoeater, the steak-and-potato days of Burritoeater, and the dessert days of Burritoeater. Also covered: The horrific scourge of cold bites.

San Francisco Chronicle Magazine, Burrito Purist Charles Hodgkins on How Gristle Can Ruin a Man's Day, by Sam Whiting; April 2, 2006.
Q&A featured on page four of our hometown Sunday paper's magazine in its annual "Top 100 Bay Area Restaurants" issue. Circulation: lots.

The New York Times, San Francisco's Mission District: Eclectic, Eccentric, Electric, by Gregory Dicum; November 20, 2005.
Extensive Travel section piece on the Mission, a neighborhood where taquerias play a significant cultural and caloric role. Look for our pithy quote, for which we manage to construct a complete soundbite from two definite articles, three nouns, and one mere verb. (Registration with may be required.)
KALW, Crosscurrents: The Burritoeater's Last Slab, with Ben Trefny; December 20, 2013.
Having reached true-confidante status in the Burritoeater camp for his peerless journalistic perspective on the Burrito Problem, KALW News Executive Editor Ben Trefny accompanies our panel for burrito number 1000 on Pearl Harbor Day 2013; hijinks and hilarity ensue. The proud completion of a KALW trilogy that began four years prior.
KALW, Crosscurrents: One Man's Journey to Find the Best Burrito in SF, with Ben Trefny; February 1, 2011.
Trefny traces our storied judges panel's wake as we paddle the burrito-strewn waters of our 2010 Slab Scrum; the aired result demonstrates the most fun we've ever had frolicking around the fourth estate. Taqueria-field journalism at its apogee.
KALW, Crosscurrents: The Burritoeater, with Ben Trefny; May 4, 2009.
Our panel makes its radio debut, discussing the origins of, the merits of not cutting burritos in half, and if laid end to end from home plate, how many slabs it would take to reach the outfield wall of the Giants' ballpark. Also demonstrated is the fact that we're indeed better suited to researching taquerias than imitating the French.
The Boston Globe, At the Heart of His Trip? San Francisco Burritos, by Russ Juskalian; June 19, 2011.
The author, a former San Francisco resident, makes a prodigal return visit to Slabville USA and eats over a dozen burritos in a week. Miraculously, he lives long enough to publish this fine piece, for which we proudly provide a few recommendations.
DailyCandy, Taco the Town; June 23, 2006.
Generous tout from this influential insider guide in which we are officially nominated for civic sainthood.
Rad on the Web, Episode 96:, with Carlos Rodela; March 7, 2011.
Not only does this Web series boast perhaps the finest name for any show ever, but our panel is somehow persuaded to wear a completely ridiculous adhesive mustache for the bulk of the interview.
Gelf Magazine, Slab King, by David Goldenberg; February 22, 2006.
For this terrific feature piece, we allow Gelf honcho David Goldenberg embedded access as he joins our slippery judges panel for an official taqueria visit. A rare glimpse inside Burritoeater Towers' usually impenetrable force field.
Current TV, Burrito: The Conquest, by Carlos Arredondo and Joe Gordon; July 31, 2009.
A pair of young documentarians / burrito enthusiasts embark on a summer journey to unearth their favorite slabs in the Bay Area. Naturally, they're inevitably drawn to the West Bay, where our panel puts on a jovial face for the camera crew. The fusillade of empty beer bottles and cans littering the table during our interview? Mostly a hoax.
The Peanut Gallery, The Burrito; November 28, 2007.
Entertaining podcast that, in under seven minutes, offers a series of rapid-fire, street-level insights into what it is exactly that makes so many San Franciscans terminally obsessed with burritos. We co-star (under an alias!) with our pal Dan Johnson of crosstown rival
SFist, Three Questions for the Burritoeater, by Jeremy Nisen; May 24, 2007.
Short Q&A with popular San Francisco news and culture site. White Russians and Clamato get passing mentions, and we also threaten to shift operations to Quebec.
Los Angeles Times, Have We Gone Blog Wild?, by Avital Binshtock; January 4, 2006.
Front-page, above-the-fold Food section article spotlighting food-specific Web sites. The author kindly calls us an "admirable authority" on San Francisco taquerias, but since the piece no longer exists on the Web, you're just going to have to take our word for it.
The Examiner, The 3-Minute Interview, by Adam Martin; August 21, 2007.
Truth be told, this interview required more than three minutes of our time.
Metrowize, Burrito Eater: Saving You (and Your Stomach) From Bad Burrito Joints, by Matt Thompson; August 6, 2008.
In-depth Q&A during which we passionately advocate for someone (not us) to take the reins and build
SFGate Culture Blog: The Intestinal Apocalypse, by Joe Brown; July 8, 2005.
Our first big media strike in the wake of our summer '05 launch.
San Francisco Chronicle, Inside Scoop; July 25, 2007.
On the eve of the publication of's 500th review, the kind folks at the Chronicle Food section weigh in and hype up our crusade.
Go, That's a Wrap, by Nancy Davidson; November 2007.
We feature prominently in this piece on San Francisco taqueria culture, as published in AirTran's in-flight magazine. (PDF download requires Acrobat software.)
Golden Gate [X]Press, Burritoeater Gives Student Center Burritos a 'C', by Dylan Silver; October 8, 2007.
A cub reporter accompanies us to Taq. Girasol at the SFSU student union food court. Podcasting ensues.

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We've also written a few of our own pieces on San Francisco taquerias, as well as contributed "intelligence" to select editorial causes.

Synthesis, San Francisco: Spicy or Mild?; November 2008.
A whirlwind, citywide tour of several of San Francisco's most prominent taquerias. (17.2 MB PDF download requires Acrobat software.)
Press release in anticipation of's 500th published review; July 18. 2007.
Our sole PR fluff-piece to date.
Time Off! The Leisure Guide to San Francisco, by Dean LaTourette and Kristine Enea; 2006.
We fill a page or two of this terrific book with our usual San Francisco taqueria ballyhoo.
Synthesis, Burrito Town; November/December 2005.
The nation finally gets a profile of the SFC's prestigious taqueria scene. Incidentally, this issue also includes a feature on Danger Mouse / MF Doom and an interview with Neal Schon of Journey. (This was a print-only article.)
San Francisco Bay Guardian, Burrito Obscuro; September 28, 2005.
An armchair guide to San Francisco's most offbeat burrito purveyors.